wubawuba's Diaryland Diary


ur an asshole

ok so i didnt get to do anything with elliott again. every weekend i ask if he wants to do something. he says yes and then just changes his mind ,forgets or something. and thats just what happened today. last night he asked if i wanted to do something. i said yes. then i call and his moms says hes out. im so mad at him. i havent seen him in a month. i don't even want to see him anymore and its not like he cares anyway. stupid asshole. i dont even want to talk to him. errrerr im so mad. screw him.

and brandon ,i dont want to see or be around anymore. he freaks me out now. and he pissed me off the other night. thinking he's the only one who knows how it feels when someone dosen't like you back. i wish he didnt like me b/c it just makes me hate him.

1:06 p.m. - 2003-09-14


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