wubawuba's Diaryland Diary


school of ROCK!

i went to the moives lastnight ,with elliott and dillon. it was pretty fun. the moive was good ,i liked it. elliott has a blader problem. he kept leaving to go to the bathroom like maybe 4 ,5 times. i dont know ,dillon was counting. when elliott left to go to the bathroom dillon and me moved seats ,so elliott wouldnt know where we were. then elliott took my shoe and threw it ,so i took his and threw it like across the room. then threw out the moive i could hear dillon telling elliott to put his arm around me.haha. and elliott had bought a soda(with HIS money)and i was drinking it and he started yelling at me , that i had some disease.

i dont know where michelle is , i guess she went to homecoming with amanda. ok bed time. nite.

9:50 p.m. - 2001-10-12


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