wubawuba's Diaryland Diary


i love my even days

ilove my even days of school. the odd days are ok. but even are the best! my favorite class is gym.heehee. ok

well yeah i got my hair cut! i love my new hair! its short now and i cant put it up anymore. thats ok tho bc i hate putting my hair up. so for all yous guys heres a Photo!! not the best one you kinda cant see to much and my hair dont look to good. i was talking the photo when i had just woken up. at least i think i was, oh well cant remember.

so the past 3 days i'v been babysitting. i made $45!! yay me! well babysitting today was ok, other then the little girl was constipated.HAHah, my spell check thing say this for the def. of constipated= clogged up so you cant poop. lol . i think thats soo funny. and speaking of shit i'v just had a shity day. i was outside and stept in dog shit. i got it all on my new pants, it was soo gross.my day was just full of shit ; really.

and i cant wait till this weekend! guess why. BAND FEST! it may not be that great but i dont care i get to see elliott (maybe) and listen to maybe some good music. and see michelle Oh and another kinda firend.maybe. if i find them.

oh yes, i got this funny card today it say:(cover) how do we know halloween pumpkins are male?

(inside)their heads are empty,

they have mush for brains,and after a few days they start to smell funny.

i think thats just so funny. im very tired so im going to bed . good night!

10:08 p.m. - 2003-09-16


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