wubawuba's Diaryland Diary


another day at the mall

todays my sisters birthday! happy b-day sis!! even tho i forgot about it. im sorry. shes the BIG 1,3. 13. anyways i was at the mall with michelle again. and i got a new shirt! its soo cool, its Rancid. a really cool band and i got one of their pins too. oh yeah and some earings michelle stole for me.haha. which she was slow at doing so. it was great fun at the mall some old lady spit at us. it was really weird. then we went back to hot topic and 2 guys came up to me and asked if i wanted to buy their bands cd for 5 dallors. so i bought it! yeah its pretty good i like the song with out you the best. they got a wierd name LOTUS.

so whats new ,whats new. nothing really. i dont have school tomarrow or firday b/c of the hurricane.i wanted to go to school tomarrow. friday i wouldnt have cared. but i wanted to go tomarrow.

in school nothing happened. oooh yeah at lunch. well at lunch i met michelles senior buddies. all pot heads but there nice and funny. stevans cool,the wigger and the shirt guy and the shy guy too. and stevan was saying we were all rocking the clash. then he was saying something like ,if you swallow nails ,swallow glass, live in a gutter and smoke like a chimney your punk. something like that. but it was really funny.

wow i just looked up whatthe bands name means it means LOTUS = a large water lily. now why would you want to name a band after that?

"doubt is the incentive to truth and inquiry leads the way."

12:13 a.m. - 2003-09-18


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